Paper! We take it so for granted. A thick sheaf of paper stands on my printer. While I know it's important to conserve its use and 'save those trees' too much is wasted. Lying on my desk in front of the printer is a mere scrap, barely eight inches by five, yellowed with age. It holds two letters, both written Feb. 2, 1890. One side is for Sister Gertie and the other for Cousin Bertha. The letter to Gertie is written both directions on the paper.
Cousin Bertha, my great-aunt, lived upstairs and helped me develop my pack rat instincts. She is pictured to the right.
People in the years before 1900 certainly knew how to save their paper! This is one of the things we could learn from them.
God instructed Adam to care for the earth, including plants and animals. It seems that our ancestors were much better stewards of this beautiful planet than our wasteful generation.