Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter Clothes

As this weekend approaches, I recall that my mother always made sure I had a new outfit to wear to church on Easter Sunday.
Mom was one of six sisters known in the local community as the Reager Girls. Their mother had been a seamstress before she married, and made most of the clothes her daughters wore--certainly all of their "good" dresses.
This picture was taken in 1910 in front of their newly constructed home in Orland, California. Left to right; Ruth, Mary, Evalyn, Reba, Grandfather George, Georgiana (my mom), Grandmother Evaline & Hazel.
Sewing clothes for a family this size is a far cry from taking a quick trip to the local mall. We have been blessed by so many conveniences, over the last 100 years, that make modern life comparatively easy. We should take a a few moments to consider the changes and be grateful.


  1. Lyn,
    Thanks for sharing such fond memories...Happy Easter to you and yours! Dolores Ayotte! :)

  2. My mom sewed all our clothes growing up, so I can appreciate what your grandmother did - except that I'm sure my mom had it easier because of better sewing machines and tools. :)

  3. Sewing was a big part of our family life too. Mom's machine was always busy with something new for someone to wear. Our special dresses for my sisters and I came at Christmas time. I know we got new things in the Spring time as well, but those memories aren't etched quite as vividly.

  4. My Mom sewed a lot of my clothes until I got older. It was a special occasion to receive a "bought" dress for Christmas or Easter. And she also sewed clothes for my dolls. I always had a new Easter bonnet for Sunday School, too.

  5. When my parents lost their business my mom took out her sewing machine and remade my older sister's clothes into a whole new wardrobe for me as I started at a new school. I've never fogotten how proud I was of those outfits that were all in the latest styles. :)Marcia

  6. Well, isn't this delightful! I love the old photos to go along with your posts. This will be a lovely place to experience some nostalgia.
