Monday, April 26, 2010


Yesterday morning, after church, all the local farmers stood in groups talking about seeding and how early it's starting this year. Hearing their excitment made me consider the changes in farming practices over the last hundred years, or so.
This picture was taken in Northern California, near the site chosen for the first two book in my current series, and about the time of my work in progress. This "Combined Harvester is at work on the Tom Vestal place and powered by 32 horses and mules. I guess that would be 32 horse power? There are four men listed as operators--the driver, header tender, separator tender and roust about.
Today, one man drives a combine with maybe 360 horse power, and covers more land in a day that his predecessor did in a week. The same is true in many aspects of the farm industry. So much has changed, but there is a lot that remains the same.
No matter how hard a man works on the land, or how much modern equipment he has, the results of his labor are still in God's hands. He is always at the mercy of the weather. No rain, too much rain, a late frost, or an early one can cancel his best efforts. Equipment failures, high imput costs, or accidents can cut down the meager profit from farming.
Any of us, who is acquainted with a farmer, should keep him in our prayers. Even those who don't know farmers personally should pray. After all, farming feeds us all!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

These two "maiden ladies", both my grand-aunts, lived in the town where I grew up. The smaller of the two is Bertha Downen, featured in my first blog post, and I knew her very well. The taller lady, May Reager, passed away when I was three and I only know her from the many stories I've heard. This is one of my favorite pictures, taken while Bertha fastened May's gloves for her, and showing their difference in height.
Aunt May was a teacher, and so am I. It is interesting to reflect on the changes in educational methods that have occured since her time. She would find it difficult to recognize the modern classroom, and I'm not sure she would be pleased with all of the changes.
May began her teaching career in 1895 and taught in rural school until 1912 when she transferred to the town of Orland. She worked there until 1939, retiring at 69 years of age. I've known many of her students. All spoke of her with love, and some with humor. She expected, and received, good discipline and respect from all of the children in her care. Her height may have given her an advantage, as she was over six feet tall and quite impressive in appearance. She cared deeply for all her charges and often purchased clothing, or shoes for those in need.
One of her methods of correction would not be allowed today's classroom. She kept an empty hot water bottle in her bottom drawer. It was used sparingly, but well remembered. If a mischievous pupil created a disturbance, she would bring out the bottle, put the naughty child across her lap and apply a few whacks to his backside. This didn't cause injury, but made enough noise to leave a lasting impression.
When May retired, her school was re-named, The May L. Reager Building. I returned, as a young teacher, to my hometown and taught 2nd grade in that facility.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Downen Family 1901
While substitute teaching in a grade 2 class today, I read the children a book about pioneers. When I told them it took the pioneers, in their covered wagons, six months to cross the country, and it is now possible to drive across in six days, they could hardly believe me. Travel has become so easy--driving, flying, fast trains and ships, we have trouble putting ourselves in the shoes of those pioneers. Travel for them was a struggle that often ended in disaster. They trusted God with their lives and future, and looked to him for daily help, and comfort.
I told the students that my great-great-grandmother rode from Missioui to California in her rocking chair, placed in the back of her daughter and son-in-law's wagon. I also told them I may have that chair. That great-great-grandmother Cynthia Piper is not shown in this pictue. The older lady and gentleman in the front row are her daughter, Mary Jane and her son-in-law, Stephen Tiner Lacy Downen.
If you look closely at the chair Mary Jane is using, and compare it to the one in the header at the top of this blog, you will see it is the same one. I don't know, for sure, that this chair crossed the plains, but it could have.
Another thing we do, that people back then didn't do, is constantly discard furniture in-order to purchase the latest style. Of course, furniture back then was built to last, and I am grateful that it was. Much of what I use daily is at least 100 years old.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Why Me?
Have you ever had a day when you said, "Why me? Why can't anything go right?"
I think we've all felt that way from time to time, even though we know God is in control and His plans are perfect.
Whenever I start to plan a pity party I think of my Grandmother Ada Noble, pictured above with her sister Lizzie, and decide my life is really pretty good after all. She was born in 1862 and married in 1882. By 1900 she had given birth to 7 children, in perfect rotation--girl, boy, girl, boy etc. The two youngest girls died, one shortly after birth and the other in a fall from her high chair.
In September 1900, her husband Emery drove a herd of horses to a distant town for a sale. While he was there, he was kicked over the heart and killed instantly. Since she was responsible to care for and raise five children, she established a bording house.
All went well for a few months and then disaster struck again. Three of her children came down with typhoid fever. One of her sons recovered, but her two remaining daughters passed away, one on December 31, 1901 and the other on January 1, 1902.
I would like to say, from then on everything went well for that gallant lady, but there were other problems. However, I think you have heard enough to get the picture. I do know she continued to rely on the Lord. I have her Bible, which is well used and well marked. God was her refuge and her strength and He is mine as well.

Monday, April 5, 2010

On this first day after the Easter Weekend, 2010, many of us have watched friends and relatives leave for their distant homes. It is always sad to see our loved ones depart, but very easy to keep track of their progress as they travel. We have email, text messaging and telephones of all sorts. We can also be fairly certain that we will see them again, in the not too distant future.
Things were very different on April 16, 1849 when my great-grandfather, Martin Reager, left his home in Missouri to seek his fortune in the gold fields of California. He left behind his father and several siblings, his mother having passed away a few years before this departure.
Martin was only 19 years old, traveling with his grandfather Corder and cousin Jim, in a conestoga wagon pulled by a team of oxen. He would never return to his home in the east. They joined a train of 60 wagons planning to reach the Golden State by the Laramie Trail. The journey took five months, nearly exactly, and they arrived at the Lassen Ranch near the present site of Vina on September 17th.
Letters were the only method of communication at that time, 161 years ago, and they were slow to arrive. The latest news would be sent, but was sure to be far out of date by the time it reached family members any distance away. There was no way of knowing of your loved ones were in good health, or even still alive.
The only means to have peace of mind, in those pioneer days, was reliance on God. Individuals had to commit their loved one into His keeping and trust that they would meet again in heaven, if not in this life.
Times have changed and we are able keep in touch with our distant friends and relatives. Still there is very little we can do to help and protect them. Our only true course is still to pray and rely on the One who holds the future and holds them in His hand.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter Clothes

As this weekend approaches, I recall that my mother always made sure I had a new outfit to wear to church on Easter Sunday.
Mom was one of six sisters known in the local community as the Reager Girls. Their mother had been a seamstress before she married, and made most of the clothes her daughters wore--certainly all of their "good" dresses.
This picture was taken in 1910 in front of their newly constructed home in Orland, California. Left to right; Ruth, Mary, Evalyn, Reba, Grandfather George, Georgiana (my mom), Grandmother Evaline & Hazel.
Sewing clothes for a family this size is a far cry from taking a quick trip to the local mall. We have been blessed by so many conveniences, over the last 100 years, that make modern life comparatively easy. We should take a a few moments to consider the changes and be grateful.