Thursday, April 8, 2010

Why Me?
Have you ever had a day when you said, "Why me? Why can't anything go right?"
I think we've all felt that way from time to time, even though we know God is in control and His plans are perfect.
Whenever I start to plan a pity party I think of my Grandmother Ada Noble, pictured above with her sister Lizzie, and decide my life is really pretty good after all. She was born in 1862 and married in 1882. By 1900 she had given birth to 7 children, in perfect rotation--girl, boy, girl, boy etc. The two youngest girls died, one shortly after birth and the other in a fall from her high chair.
In September 1900, her husband Emery drove a herd of horses to a distant town for a sale. While he was there, he was kicked over the heart and killed instantly. Since she was responsible to care for and raise five children, she established a bording house.
All went well for a few months and then disaster struck again. Three of her children came down with typhoid fever. One of her sons recovered, but her two remaining daughters passed away, one on December 31, 1901 and the other on January 1, 1902.
I would like to say, from then on everything went well for that gallant lady, but there were other problems. However, I think you have heard enough to get the picture. I do know she continued to rely on the Lord. I have her Bible, which is well used and well marked. God was her refuge and her strength and He is mine as well.

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